Monday, October 11, 2010

Social Networking Sites

I researched LinkedIn because this is a network that I've heard mentioned but never explored before. This social networking site targets the business community and business professionals from around the world. Its purpose is to provide a way for its users to build and list their business contacts. The site was launched in 2003 and is still in existence. Its competitors are Viadeo and XING, but with more than 75 million users, Linkedin is the most popular business SNS.
I would definitely consider creating an account and using it. I could use my account to follow companies and job postings that they may have. LinkedIn provides statistics about companies that would help me research future jobs. By having an updated profile, employers for whom I may be a potential job candidate would be able to contact me. By building a network of business contacts, business referrals may be initiated. LinkedIn also has groups that I may join such as my undergraduate institution's alumni group.

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