I am inspired by a classroom Precalculus Wiki that I visited in which students photographed everyday items that had an underlying math structure within them. They then drew and described the underlying math function. One cool math activity that my class could do then is to use a photosharing site to find photographs with underlying math structures in them. Each student could pick a math figure, say a circle, and then create a slide show of photos from the photosharing site that had circles in them. The slideshows could then be posted in the classroom wiki for other students, and parents to view.
I also like the idea of taking photos of students' projects and sharing the photos with parents through a photosharing site. I couldn't believe how easy it was to create the Picasa album with my Puerto Rico photos and then to upload the slideshow to the classroom wiki. I'm very inspired! As part of my students' geometry class, they create three dimensional polyhedra from templates they find online. I could take photos of the polyhedra, create a slideshow and share with parents, staff, and students. I like the fact that parents could comment on their students work as well. It'd be great for them to give their children "attaboys" or "attagirls" through the classroom wiki.
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